This product has been subjected to the most rigorous quality controls before leaving the factory. However, should any malfunction arise due to faulty assembly and/or defective parts at origin, please read these warranty conditions carefully and contact our Customer Service Department by telephone at 919 265 001 or in writing to the following e-mail address:
Warranty Certificate..
By this certificate, Qcharx International S.L., guarantees that this product is free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 3 years from delivery. If during this period of validity of the warranty, the product should present any defect attributable to the manufacturing process, due to materials and/or workmanship, the distributor must inform Qcharx International S.L. within two months of becoming aware of such defect, and may demand the repair of the product.
Warranty Repair Coverage.
Warranty for all our equipment is offered with Workshop Assistance or Exchange at Qcharx's discretion.
· Workshop assistance: workshop assistance includes, at no cost to the user, shipping costs, parts used in the repair and labor.
· Exchange: a used equipment of the same or superior characteristics will be sent to replace the customer's equipment, once the hardware failure has been confirmed and the repair time exceeds 24 hours from the time the equipment enters our technical facilities, at no cost to the customer. Qcharx is committed with this point to give an EXPRESS service to the warranty service distributor in order not to damage the productivity of your business.
Conditions of the commercial warranty offered by Qcharx as manufacturer:
In this document you will find described the conditions of the warranty available to you when you have purchased a new Qcharx branded product.
To make use of the rights granted by this warranty, it is essential to prove the date of purchase of the machine, by means of original purchase invoice, or cash register receipt, or the delivery note of the machine.
This warranty expressly excludes the following cases:
a) Any direct, indirect, incidental and/or consequential damages caused by the use of non-original Qcharx consumables.
b) Damage caused by causes beyond the design or manufacture of the device, (for example power failures, etc., ...).
c) Periodic revisions, maintenance and repair or replacement of parts due to wear and tear caused by normal use of the product.
d) Elements of a consumable nature, such as cutting head, external feeders, accessories, etc...,
e) Installation and configuration of the product according to specific user requirements, different from the standard configuration of the product.
f) Indirect damages and losses of any kind.
g) Damages, personal and/or material, caused as a consequence of the non-compliance, by the user, of the rules and instructions given by Qcharx, for the installation, use and maintenance of the product.
h) Damages and/or breakdowns suffered by the product as a consequence of:
1. Misuse, falls, willful misconduct or negligence of the user, including the use of the machine for purposes other than normal, according to the characteristics of the product.
2. Failure to follow the instructions given by Qcharx for the correct use and maintenance of the product.
3. Attempts to repair by technical personnel not authorized by Qcharx International S.L.
4. Accidents, natural catastrophes or any other cause beyond the control of Qcharx International S.L.
This warranty is valid in Spain and Portugal and will be valid exclusively for products marketed by QCHARX INTERNATIONAL S.L. will not offer any of the warranty services specified in this document outside the aforementioned territory.
All parts or products replaced under warranty services shall become the property of Qcharx International S.L.
Cancellation of Warranty.
The product warranty will be void:
- For damage caused by repairs carried out by persons other than a service technician authorized by Qcharx International S.L. As well as, if additional parts or accessories that are not original are replaced or used.
- For manipulation of the data on the invoice, purchase receipt or delivery note.
- For providing untruthful or false information to Qcharx about the user or the equipment covered by this warranty.
Data Protection.
In accordance with our privacy policy, we inform that the treatment of your personal information will be be carried out under strict confidentiality. This information is available on our website at the address